Pterodactilo Bloggers At Large

Did you know that in addition to being talented bloggers, the writers at Revista Pterodáctilo are active scholars?

If you’re intrigued by what you’ve read on the Pterodáctilo blog, consider following up with some of these academic articles produced by our writers in the past year:

Adriana Pacheco has published two articles this year, both about women in Mexican religious publishing and journalism from the nineteenth century. Adriana’s most recent blog post for Pterodáctilo was about «The lost generation of  humanists.»

  • “La pobreza y la caridad. Commodities de poder en la prensa católica del siglo XIX dirigida a mujeres”. Revista Siglo Diecinueve. Dossier “Compra, Venta y Consumo en la Literatura Hispánica”. Universidad de Valladolid. 2014. Forthcoming.
  • «Periódicos católicos mexicanos del siglo XIX. Conformación de la madre de familia durante la República Restaurada para trabajar por el otro México». Tinkuy. Boletín de investigación y debate 2014: 79-94. Print.

Roanne Kantor‘s article «Chasing Your (Josie) Bliss» is about the development of an archival mythology around Josie Bliss, Pablo Neruda’s presumed Burmese lover. Roanne has most recently written for Pterodáctilo about rainy days and gimmicky fiction.

Alex Menaker has been writing for Pterodáctilo about learning Quechua in Peru. A historical anthropologist, he has recently written an article about beads in the Spanish colonial Andes.

  • «The Significances of Beads at Magdalena de Cao Viejo, and throughout the Spanish Colonial Andes», in the edited volume ​​The Historical Archaeology of Magdalena de Cao Viejo, ed. Jeffrey Quilter. Harvard University, Peabody Museum Press: Cambridge.

Jonathan Fleck does interdisciplinary work at the intersection between language and linguistics, writing on our blog about translations of Star Wars, among other topics. His new article is on the work of the Brazilian poet Antonio Risério.

  • “Negotiating Cross-Cultural Representation in Antonio Risério’s Fetiche” Ometeca, forthcoming Spring 2015.

Many of our writers will also be presenting original scholarship at the GRACLS conference at UT Austin this weekend, including Jessica Carey Webb, Samuel Ginsburg, Sam Cannon, Roanne Kantor, Jonathan Fleck, Frank Strong, Valeria Rey del Castro, James Staig, and myself. Make sure to check it out!

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